Saturday, September 29, 2012

Time to Make the Donuts?

A hectic college lifestyle often means repetitive meals. Busy schedules can lead us to the same lunch spot over and over until the ladies working there know what you will order before you say it ("What size, sweetie?").

But when it comes to indulging a sweet tooth, nothing breaks this monotony better than donuts you fried up yourself! Don't get me wrong- certainly not complaining about the usual cupcakes, cookies, box cake desserts. But, like Ina says, why not turn up the volume?

These donuts crank the volume to 11. And they're EASY too!

*Note: These donuts can be adapted to be Mexican Churros as well. Put the batter in a star tipped pastry bag and create 4" lines on a baking sheet. Refrigerate for 10 minutes, then fry according to recipe. 
**The perfect addition to any fiesta!

Cinnamon Sugar Donuts
(makes 15)

4 cups plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon butter
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup sugar (plus 1/4 cup after for dusting)
1 cup milk
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (plus another 1/2 tsp. after for dusting)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
Vegetable/Canola oil for frying

1. Stir flour in bowl, add salt, baking powder, and sugar.
2. Mix in butter.
3. Beat an egg in advance and add milk and vanilla to it. Add to flour mixture (should take on dough consistency)
4. Roll in a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
5. Roll out dough on floured board, roll to one-fourth inch in thickness. Use a circle cookie cutter (or any top that is 2" diameter) to make donut. Use a small circle cutter (I use the vanilla extract bottle top) to cute out the middle of the donut.
5. Fill a small pot so that oil comes up 3". When oil is very hot, (carefully) place donuts in oil with wooden slotted spoon.
6. When donuts rise to the top and take on brown color, remove from oil and place on plate with a napkin (to drain excess oil).
7. Place in cinnamon-sugar mixture.

*If you have extra dough, you can make munchkins (!) by simply rolling 1" diameter balls and proceeding as outlined.
*Best served soon after!

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