Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy vs. America

There is nothing sweeter than the tantalizing aroma of a fresh apple pie; Essentially inviting you to the window sill on which it is cooling, the smell evokes nostalgic memories of childhood days past.

While Hurricane Sandy can stop us from setting our pies on the window sill (I would not recommend), it can't stop us from conjuring up this classic Americana comfort food to help us forget about that drizzle outside.

But that's where we run into a problem. 

The slice.

Whether the best of friends or family related by blood, the slightest inkling of self-interest reveals itself in the partitioning of pie. It becomes obvious by a friend's "there's-no-way-that's-one" slice if they have your best interest at heart. 

On what planet is this one slice?
The pizza world has thankfully put an end to this potential relationship-ruiner by pre-dividing slices, be they Sicilian or Neapolitan. The rest of the pie world has yet to catch on to this, affecting friendships by the day.

Unwilling to make myself vulnerable to this type of heart-break, I found a loophole

Enter the Mini Apple Pie!

These miniature pies are equally sized with equal apples, sugar, and equal love put into them. Un-ignorably adorable, they put a twist on a classic American favorite- providing smiles and saving friendships with every bite.

I am thankful that my friends will always pass the "Whose slice is bigger?" test. Make them yourself and to be warm and cozy in the face of Hurricane Sandy.

Tutti al tavolo e mangiare!

Mini Apple Pies
(makes 12- Recipe can be easily halved!)

2 cups flour
2/3 cup butter ( chilled)
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons water

5 medium apples ( peeled and chopped up into small pieces)
3/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
6 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons butter ( chilled)
1 tablespoon lemon juice

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Grease muffin pan.
2. In food processor blend flour, salt and butter until it looks like little peas.
3. Add in water and blend just until it looks like it's sticking.
4.Take out and combine it by hand until well blended.
5. Roll out on lightly floured surface until about 1/4 inch thick.
6. Cut 12, 4 inch circles with cup or bowl.(You will need to roll out twice).
7. Press each circle in muffin tins until all the way up each side, to form little bowls.
8. Mix by hand all filling ingredients and spoon into muffin bowls.
9. Cut up butter into 12 little pieces and place one piece on each pie.
10. Use the rest of the crust to create a lattice top across each mini pie.
11. Bake at 425 degrees for 16-18 minutes. (Until crust is light brown and apples are bubbling).
12. When cool, just loosen with a spoon and they'll come right out!

If you're really bold, add a slice of American cheese on top of your Apple Pie, as seen in the movie "Thank You for Smoking". It makes everyday the Fourth of July.

"That's disgusting"
"It's American"

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