Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Finer Things Club

There exist some things in this world that have an implicit ability to make any situation more sophisticated.
  • Champagne at a NASCAR event
  • Using "hence" ("I got red flames on my John Deere hence the ladies will be all over me")
  • Monocles on babies
  • Shoes that don't velcro
Besides in the presence of the above phenomena, I wondered:

Is it possible for cookies to be sophisticated? 

Wracking the depths of my mind each night, I wondered if this question had an answer. What makes a cookie a haute cookie?

Ease your worries as this conundrum no longer encumbers my sleep. Also ease them because I don't actually contemplate cookie reputations/stereotypes as I try to fall asleep. (Had you worried there)

Still, my point is that the white chocolate, macadamia nuts, cranberries, and oats in a Pink Dalmatian cookie make it transcend from hum-drum to divine

 Carma's Pink Dalmatians are a secret treat to us Charles Villagers who frequent the local cafe. And, after an inspiring episode of Restaurant Recipes on FoodNetwork, they had to be imitated in my own kitchen (the most sincere form of flattery!). 

The recipe name is ambiguous (read: confusing), but the taste is un-ignorable. Try them out for yourself! They'll help that next time you wear Crocs to that cocktail party (again).

Pink Dalmatian Cookies (inspired by Carma's Cafe!)
makes 18

1 stick salted butter (room temperature)
1 egg
1-1/3 cup quick oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup chopped macadamia nuts
1/3 cup white chocolate morsels
1/3 cup dried cranberries
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine butter and sugars. Once incorporated, add egg and vanilla.
2. In a separate bowl, mix flour and baking powder together well.
3. Add oats to sugar-egg bowl. Then add dry ingredients.
4. One item at a time, add cranberries, white chocolate, and macadamia nuts until evenly dispersed.
5. Scoop into 1" balls onto baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes until edges are browned. Enjoy!

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